Welcome to the Rock & Mineral Society of Hawai‘i

The Rock & Mineral Society of Hawai’i or Hui Pōhaku Ō Hawai‘i is the only ‘Mineral Club’ in the State. We meet in Honolulu every month.
Next meeting Wed Feb 19, 2025 at 6:15 PM. Topic of the month:
Our next Mineral Spring Show for 2025:
Sat March 29 from 10am to 7 PM &
Sun March 30 from 9am to 5 PM More
It next mineral show is at the Kou Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Hotel again. As always: Free admission to our show and open to the public more
March 2024: We are excited to announce with that our very own Peter Chin has had the distinction and honor of having a mineral officially named after him! Please check out “Peterchinite” on Mindat and congratulate Peter the next time you see him on this prestigious recognition.
Our club meetings are in-person on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:15 PM
at the the Makiki Distict Park in Honolulu.
We always meet the other building labeled “MOST times here” in the photo below. Bonus: The “sometimes here” is much easier to find and also hosts the lapidary lab upstairs.

As of November 2024: Due to continuous A/C problem in the ʻadmin buildingʻ, we relocated all of 2022, 2023 and 2024 to the first floor of the lapidary building (DH or across from admin, the ʻMOST times hereʻ on the photo).
Rock & Mineral Society of Hawai‘i Meetings
Established in 1970, the Rock & Mineral Society of Hawaiʻi, Inc. is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to mineral and rock collecting and appreciation and the lapidary arts.
- We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month in the Makiki Distict Park in Honolulu.
We welcome anybody interested in minerals and gem stones and hope you can join us at one of our club meetings to meet kindred spirits and talk story about ‘rocks’.
If you have made it this far, and found us on the web – Congratulations!
Rock and Mineral Society of Hawaii: Monthly Meetings
Easy part first: We meet in the “most times here” on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 6:15 – 8:00 pm at Makiki District Park in Honolulu (except for adjusted dates in November and December).
We hold the ‘club business’ part of the meeting first, followed by an educational part. We discuss the mineral of the month and members bring examples of said mineral from their collection for a “show and tell”. Occasionally we have a guest speaker or a slide or video presentation. The meeting ends with potluck and ‘talk story’ until we need to vacate the room around 8 PM.
Please check our Facebook Page for current updates and the meeting topic of the month. Club members get a reminder email and newsletter with the mineral of the month.

Now the real ‘tricky’ part:
All buildings at the Makiki District Park have the same street address of ‘1527 Keeaumoku St’ (This might be a walk in the park for people born and raised in Makiki, but sure makes it hard for ʻoutsidersʻ.)
Parking – yes, the question on everybody’s mind these days – Parking?
Please enter the parking lot from Ke‘e’aumoku Street. Parking is free but limited, due to the frequented tennis courts, pool and skateboard facilities in the park, the lot might fill up fast.
There is often parking available on the other side of the park next to the community gardens, if you know the area. Street parking along Ke‘e‘aumoku Street may be your best option, if you come right after 5:30 PM when it becomes legal and you are brave enough to park in rush hour traffic.
If you park in the (ewa) parking lot next to the tennis court walk mauka towards the buildings in the park (see map below). Take the walkway between the first two buildings and you see a smaller building in the to the right (DH).

Yes, that’s why we called it ‘tricky’. We met in 2024 in the same building as he lapidary lab, labeled “sometimes here” in the photo.
If you have 36 seconds – watch the video (a blast from the past by now):
Please note that if a month happens to have 5 Wednesdays we do not meet at the ‘last’ but still the 4th of that month.
Lapidary Classes
Lapidary classes are normally held on Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm (clean up at 7:45 p.m) and are open to all Rock & Mineral Society of Hawai’i members. Please attend a meeting to find out more and if the classes are being held (and how to find it).
Lapidary for Non-members: The City and County of Honolulu, Parks and Recreation, offers a lapidary class for adults at Makiki District Park, three times a year: Spring, Summer, and Fall. Interested people need to sign up for this course with the C&C Parks and Recreation or directly with Makiki District Park. Please don’t you “just show up“, since there is no guarantee that an instructor might be available to teach you. You are not covered by insurance is you did not sign up with Parks and Rec and we can not allow you to use the equipment. More
Sometimes, when this room is not available, we also meet in the other small building on the Diamond Head side. Room changes are also announced on our Facebook page.
Our 18th Annual Hawaii Rock and Mineral Show Oct 19 & 20, 2019 was cancelled. Details click here. In January 2020 we had voted and decided on the dates for our first three 2020 Gem and Mineral Shows in Hawaii… Little did we know back then… We have not scheduled a mineral show for 2022 yet (as of 8/5/22). Please check back about the details later in the year. We are still hoping for some shows for 2022.