Next 2019 Show: 18th Annual Hawaii Rock and Mineral Show October 19&20, 2019 more click here
This URL often still comes up in searches, so we updated it for 2019
2019 our 18th Annual Hawaii Rock and Mineral Show is in a convenient new location in Kaka‘ako. With lots of free parking and (as always) free admission. Please note that this year our Annual October Mineral Show is not in Waikiki. Like our show in June 2019, it is once more at the:
Ohana Hale Marketplace
(where Sports Authority used to be)
333 Ward Ave #3
Honolulu, HI 96814
October 19: 10 am to 8 PM
October 20: 10 am to 5 PM

Last show: Hawaii Gem and Mineral Show in Honolulu June 2019
June 1: 10 am to 8 PM
June 2: 10 am to 5 PM
Ohana Hale Marketplace
333 Ward Avenue
Honolulu HI 96814
MORE DETAILS about the June 2019 Show
This was our October 2018 Show:

Always Free Admission to our Hawaii Mineral Shows. Everybody is welcome!
The show featured unique educational displays of Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils as well as items for sale by our members.
Featured items include: Hawaiian Minerals, Agate Geodes, Amethyst, Celestite, Dioptase, Fossils, Faceted Gemstones, Fine Jewelry, Fluorescent Minerals, Herkimer Diamonds, Meteorites, Lapidary Minerals, Opals, Pyrite, Quartz crystals, Rhodochrosite, Ruby, Shark teeth, Trilobites, Topaz, Tourmaline, Zircon and many other beautiful minerals.
- Please note that some club members may not in a position to accept credit cards. Please plan accordingly. This changes rapidly as smart phone become more common and some of us are happy to take your credit cards…
- For more information about the show, or an email reminder as the show dates gets closer, please email us at: contact